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Ariana Guilak

Masters in Environmental Policy and Management

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In addition to finishing my Masters in Environmental Policy and Management with a concentration in Energy and Sustainability, I have had extensive research experience. My undergraduate degree concentrated in Environmental Science, and I have been involved in multiple research projects including conservation and environmental research. My ability to look critically at information and understand scientific vernacular has helped me in communicating that information to others who have different backgrounds and strengths than my own. I love discussing topics in conservation, climate, and renewable energy and thoroughly enjoy writing about them every day.

James Parker

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James Parker has a Masters degree in Sustainability with a focus on land management, permaculture and regenerative agriculture. He also has experience managing sustainability projects, and is passionate about conservation and sustainability.

Virginia Just

Nutrition Coach

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My name is Virginia Just, and I am a writer living in Southern California. I was born and raised in Rhode Island and decided to journey to a sunnier state about eight years ago.

I love spending time outdoors hiking and relaxing on the beach. I also love to get out and ride my bike. I will ride from my house to Seal Beach many weekends to enjoy the waves and watch the sunset. I also love to customize my bikes, and my current favorite is a mix of several bikes. I love to combine the speed elements of a road bike with the comfort and control of a mountain bike.

In addition, I am a good home cook, always looking for new ways to make healthy meals more enjoyable. To accomplish this goal, I am currently working on getting a Nutrition certification from NASM with a long-term goal of being a certified Nutrition Coach.

When not spending time with my husband or playing RPGs, I love traveling to Las Vegas, and I currently run a website about the city. I actually have a tattoo of the Vegas strip on my right forearm!

I also love to garden. I see gardening as a form of meditation to escape from the world for a while. I have grown countless flowers, fruits, and vegetables, including strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, and broccoli. These beautiful foods allow me to make even more amazing dishes for my husband and me to enjoy.

Mark Walker

Safe Food Storage Professional

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I have over a decade of experience in food and beverage management, including a ServSafe food safety qualification. As part of this qualification, I have been professionally trained in safe food storage.