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Key Takeaways
- There are different types of flour
- Not all flours are gluten-free
- Wheat flour is among the common flour known to be active in gluten
- There are regulatory bodies that certify four brands if they are gluten-free
- Check for the ingredient list to identify whether the flour brand is gluten-free
Flour is one of the most common food products in the world and carries many health benefits. So, is flour gluten-free?
Since there are varieties of flour sourced from different grains, not all flour is gluten-free. For instance, wheat flour has gluten, and individuals with celiac and other gluten allergies should avoid consuming it. In contrast, flours such as corn and millet flour are gluten-free.
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About Flour
Flour is a significant food made from grains or other parts of the plant known to have starch. Typically, even though a wide variety of flour is made from different grains worldwide, wheat flour is one of the most common. Flour is an ancient grain and has been used for many years.
However, since not everyone can consume wheat flour due to gluten problems, they can choose various gluten-free alternatives, but they will have a different taste and not bake as effectively as wheat flour.
Wheat flour is rich in protein and carbohydrates, and these are very nutritious components to an individual. That is why it is important for one to regularly take flour.
Wheat flour is rich in fiber. The importance of having fiber as a food component is that one is going to enhance the process of digestion and prevent health problems that come with poor digestion.
Women have been known to benefit from taking wheat flour for the purpose of weight management. Wheat flour plays an important role in preventing obesity.
About Celiac Disease And Gluten Sensitivity
Gluten is naturally occuring in grains such as rye and wheat. It is a binding agent in many food products.
Whereas gluten has its benefits, it has its fair share of problems. A significant number of people react with the protein. This is manifested in symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
Medical conditions that are associated with gluten problems include celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and gluten intolerance.
If these conditions are not managed, they tend to get worse over time and can have far-reaching effects on the health of an individual.
If you live with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, then you must be sure to follow a gluten free diet. In particular, you should always use gluten free flours. For example, brown rice flour is a gluten free product.
Gluten free foods, flour gluten free, and gluten free baking ensure that one is able to prevent the symptoms that come with celiac disease.
Is Flour Gluten-Free?
Typically, some flours are gluten-free while others are not, depending on their source of ingredients. For instance, wheat flour is known to be prepared using wheat grain that actively contains gluten as an element.
Therefore, wheat flour is not gluten-free nor a suitable food option for individuals with celiac and gluten problems. Fortunately, other types of flour are proven to be gluten-free, and you can use them for the same purpose as wheat flour.
Additionally, even though there are other gluten-free flours to consider, it is ideal to check the ingredient information on the label because some brands can put other ingredients or additives that may contain gluten.
Other brands also risk cross-contamination, especially when they share their facilities to mill flour and other gluten-containing products. Cross-contamination is very common when food is being processed due to sharing of equipment.
There is a difference between hard wheat and soft wheat in terms of gluten. On one hand, hard wheat contains a high amount of gluten. On the other hand, soft wheat contains a low amount of gluten.
How To Know If Flour Is Gluten-Free
Typically, the US has implemented some standards or regulations that help processed or manufactured food products be safe for everyone regardless of their gluten conditions.
Therefore, regulatory bodies are obligated to test the food brands and conclude whether they are gluten-free. The consumers came, in turn, using this information in order to make an informed decision.
One common body is the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), which certifies flour brands with gluten levels below 20 parts per million. The regulatory body mostly focuses on brands that use additives and other ingredients that may contain gluten.
Another regulatory body is the gluten-free certifying organization (GFCO), which ensures the gluten contamination level in flour products is less than 10 parts per million. Therefore, to know whether the flour is gluten-free, check any mark that approves it to be gluten-free.
Typically, the GFCO will use the phrase “GF” or “Certified gluten-free" to mean that the flour is gluten-free. You can also analyze the ingredient list and confirm that no ingredients are active in gluten.
What Types Of Flours Are Gluten-Free
Almond Flour
Almond flour is one of the most popular gluten-free flour, where brands prepare it using blanched ground almonds. The flour contains a unique nut flavor, and one cup of almond flour is roughly made of 90 almonds.
Typically, almonds are mostly used as a breadcrumb substitute due to their similar texture and appearance. Flour is an active source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and copper that helps improve the body's immunity system.
Additionally, it contains monosaturated fats and vitamin E as well. Even if almond flour is gluten-free, it is essential to check the ingredient list and other parameters on the product's label since not all brands make gluten-free almond flour.
Sorghum Flour
Sorghum flour is regarded to be the fifth most ideal grain worldwide because, in its natural form, it is gluten-free and is known to be rich in nutrients.
Typically, sorghum flour differs from wheat in flavor and texture, whereas sorghum flour has a sweet taste and a lighter texture. The flour is flexible and adaptable to prepare various baked goods and cuisines by combining it with other gluten-free flour.
When it comes to nutritional benefits, the flour is rich in protein and fiber that helps to decrease the absorption of sugar and provides a source of energy. Even though sorghum flour is naturally gluten-free, confirming the brand's label is still advisable because cross-contamination is possible during its processing.
Corn Flour
Corn flour is a popular type of cornmeal that is gluten-free. Corn flour is well-liked because of its adaptability to making a variety of cuisines and baked goods. For instance, corn flour is used to make bread and tortillas and is frequently used as a liquid thickener.
Corn flour is an active source of carotenoids, which helps to improve eye health by lowering the risks of getting eye cataracts. Most brands sell gluten-free corn flour, but a few have yet to follow the recommended gluten standard and regulations.
Other Gluten-Free Flours
The almond flour is a gluten free product, and if you have gluten problems, you should not have a problem taking this food. Similarly, white rice flour is naturally gluten free.
Beyond Celiac, an organization that is dedicated to the study of celiac disease, identifies teff flour as flour gluten free. Similarly, coconut flour, which is made from grinding dry coconut, is a gluten free flour.
Oat flour is a safe option for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, and is gluten free. Similarly, tapioca flour, which is made from cassava, is naturally gluten free.