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Once you start prepping and stockpiling, it is critical to know how much rice for food storage is best because this is a staple food item you need to have.

It can be expensive and difficult to build your food storage, but with rice, you can save money and buy items in bulk. It is also easier to buy rice when you know how much you need so you don’t buy too much or too little.

The average American person would need about 25 to 50 pounds of rice to store for one year. This is based on the calculation that the average person would eat between 0.5 and 1.0 pounds of rice per week in their diet. Using these numbers, you can assume 25 to 50 pounds per year would suffice.

Rice is a staple food that has been around for centuries. It is an affordable and nutritious food that can be stored in large quantities. Rice comes in many varieties with varying levels of starch and this guide explains how much rice for food storage is necessary to build a reliable stockpile in your home.

We have experience with food storage, so making the proper calculations about how much rice is needed for food storage is much easier. This guide is meant to help you forecast how long it will take to consume your rice to properly plan for the future.

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‍How Much Rice For Food Storage

When it comes to food storage, rice is a large grain that can last up to 30 years if stored correctly. This staple food can also serve as the foundation of your diet if needed and it is extremely easy to prepare.

One cup of raw rice is about 600 calories, so you would need two to three cups per day if you want to survive off of nothing but rice. It's important to remember that the amount of rice in a pound varies based on the type of rice and variety, so make sure you do your research.

To understand how much rice you need for food storage, you must first determine how long you intend to keep it. The amount needed ultimately depends on personal preference and the types of other foods that are being stockpiled.

It depends on how much rice you want to store. A good rule of thumb is to store roughly 0.5 to 1 pound of rice per person per week. This means you will need to have about 25 to 50 total pounds of rice in storage to have a one-year stockpile for a person.

It's always a good idea to have some food storage in case of an emergency, and rice is a great option for this. By properly calculating the amount you need, it is easier to plan meals in the future too.

Rice is a good option to store for emergencies because it expands up to four times its volume. This means that you can get a lot of food storage for your money and if disaster does strike, you'll be glad to have this staple food available.

How Much Rice For Food Storage For A Family

There are many different percentages of how much rice you should save per day to meet your survival goals. When storing for a family, you should try to stick to the general per person rule of thumb, though it is not necessary.

This is because you can incorporate more variety into your family’s diet this way making rice slightly less essential. It's always a good idea to have variety in your diet, so feel free to mix in other foods as well like pasta for example.

The amount of rice that you need to store for a family is dependent on the size of your family too. For example, if you have a family of four, you will need between 100 to 250 total pounds of rice for the entire year.

How to Store Rice Long-Term

The best way to store rice long-term is to place it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It has an incredibly long shelf-life so all you need is the right area to store it along with some airtight containers.

You can store it in an airtight container with an oxygen absorber, or you can store it in a dry, cool, and dark location. Mylar bags and #10 cans are also great ways to store rice in a long-term storage pantry.

Mylar bags have an average shelf life of 30-plus years, so they are a good option for storing rice long-term. Another option is vacuum-sealing the rice in plastic bags. This will extend the shelf life to around 5 years. Oxygen absorbers are another way to keep the rice from going bad.

These small packets will absorb all of the oxygen in the container, extending the shelf life to up to 10 years. If you want to stockpile for the long-term, this would be considered the best method for keeping it fresh.

Logging dates and contents are necessary to keep food safe from spoilage or contamination. Storing rice for long-term storage is a question of knowing how to store it in the best conditions. Rice can be stored in airtight containers like jars or bags.

Rice can be stored for long periods if you store it in a dry, dark location and keep the temperature cool. Rice will last longest if it is stored at a temperature below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can store your rice in a refrigerator or freezer to help extend its shelf life.

Types of Rice in Food Storage

Various types of rice have a long shelf life and are perfect for food storage. Rice is high in starch and fiber, low in sodium, and a good source of nutrition when kept free from contaminants and moisture.

It's also a cheap and nutritious food that can be stored for up to 30 years. This makes it one of the key staple foods if you intend to properly build a stockpile of food in your home for emergencies.

White rice is considered the best rice type for long-term storage because it is the lowest in moisture too. This allows for a longer shelf-life along with shorter preparation times.

While brown rice does not store as long as its white counterpart, it is still included in the list because it can be cooked and stored easily. This makes it perfect for stretching grocery budgets during difficult times in the short term.

All of these kinds of rice are great for food storage because they have a long shelf life and can be cooked in several ways. Rice is also a grain that is known to not cause any common allergies in the United States.

This makes it an ideal food choice for those who may have sensitivities to other foods. In addition, white rice is high in starch and fiber, as well as protein. This combination provides healthy eating options for those on a budget.


Long-grain rice is the largest grain style of rice for consumption and storage and it is considered the primary preferred rice for food storage. When preparing it, you will see it cook into a firm and fluffy style of rice for your meals.

It has a shelf-life of up to 30 years when sealed properly in the right container type. It is also considered extremely easy to prepare a quick meal. However, this would depend on the brand type too.


Jasmine Rice has a sticky texture after it is cooked and it can be stored for long periods without any issues. It is also an excellent choice for food storage because it does not get stale or go bad easily.

This is a type of rice that comes from Thailand too. It is considered a different type of long-grain rice and has similar benefits as well. The shelf-life is almost limitless because of these properties too.


Basmati Rice is a type of long-grain rice that is grown in the Indian subcontinent. The white form of basmati rice is preferred in many countries because it stores better and cooks faster than brown rice.

This type of basmati has a slightly sticky texture and a distinct smell when it is being cooked. The taste is unique as well and it should be considered for food storage because it provides excellent meal variety.

Brown Rice

If you like brown rice, it is still a reliable option and will last on your shelf for up to two years if sealed the right way. While this may not be long enough to consider in your long-term stockpile, it is a solid pantry choice.

The reason it does not last as long is that there is a layer of bran on the outside of the rice that contains oil. This presence of oil increases the moisture in the rice and when it comes to long-term storage, high content of moisture leads to a shorter shelf-life.

How Long Does Rice Last?

Rice is a staple food in many countries around the world and the same is true for preppers building food stockpiles. The shelf life of rice can vary depending on the type of rice and the storage method used.

Generally, white rice has a longer shelf life than brown rice because it contains less moisture and oil. On average, brown rice will last for 6-12 months in the store packaging and this can be extended to about 2-3 years with proper airtight sealing bags.

White rice will last for much longer, but only if you package and store it yourself. When buying it from the store, you get about 5 years of shelf-life. But using a Mylar bag will extend the shelf life of white rice to 30 years or longer.

What to Watch for With Stored Rice

There are a few things to watch out for when it comes to stored rice. Make sure to keep it in a cool, dry place, and avoid storing it in the fridge or freezer. Rice can also go bad if it is stored for too long, so it's best to use it up within a few months.

When you are getting ready to store your rice, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The rice will be safe if it is stored in a cool, dry place and sturdy, heavy-duty plastic containers.

You can also store the rice in the fridge, but you should make sure to close it tightly so that dust and moisture do not contaminate your product.

Another thing to consider is how you seal the storage container. There are different ways to do this, but one of the most important things is that pests cannot get through. This is why many people tend to use storage buckets as an extra layer of protection.

When rice is opened, it should be stored in a cool, dry place with high humidity. Rice can also be stored in the freezer while maintaining the same longevity with 30+ years of shelf-life if packaged correctly.

Where To Store Rice For Food Storage

Rice can be stored for a long time and can provide nutrients to the human body for a long time. However, storing rice for long periods can be challenging because it needs to be kept dry and cool.

There are three specific places to store rice depending on how long you want it kept and how much you have to store away. This includes in your pantry, freezer, or your long-term food stockpile.


The temperature at which food is stored can affect its quality too. Bacteria can grow in stored rice too, so it's important to seal it properly. Rice should also be stored in a moisture-proof container to prevent it from becoming moldy.

When it comes to food storage, rice is a popular choice because it can last for a long time if kept in a cool, dry place. However, there are a few things to watch out for when storing this grain-like bacteria and mold that can grow on it if not stored properly.

Your pantry storage can include items kept in their original packaging because this would be all items that would be consumed in the first 6 months or so. If you want them to last longer, they need to be transferred into a container.


Cooked rice can be stored in the fridge for up to four days or in the freezer for up to a few months. This is great for meal prepping and staying ahead of your cooking, but it is not ideal for food storage.

Many people opt to place bags and containers of rice in the freezer because it will still last for up to 30 years this way. It is also extra storage space and simply provides you faster access right in your kitchen.

Long-Term Stockpile

Rice will last about 30 years if stored properly in a cool, dry place like a pantry or basement. However, the longer you store rice, the more its nutritional value will decay over time depending on the conditions.

It is best stored in a long-term storage stockpile because it is considered a staple food too. You can use mylar bags and plastic buckets to make it last the longest. But be aware of some of the concerns too.

For example, pests and rodents are the most likely creatures to spoil your rice storage. A good seal on the container will prevent insects from entering the rice while it is being stored in a cool, dry place.

Does Rice Ever Expire or Go Bad?

The answer to this question is a little complicated because rice doesn't technically expire, but it will go bad if it's not stored properly. The main ways that rice can go bad are by being exposed to moisture, oxygen, and light.

The best way to store rice is according to the date on its packaging - but you can extend its shelf life by storing it in dry locations and keeping it away from moisture and light exposure. If you do this, your rice should last for up to 30 years.

Rice will absorb moisture from the air and can eventually get moldy. Oxygen, heat, and light can make whole-grain rice rancid quickly. Watch out for small reddish-brown insects on white rice - it may have gone bad.

Rice can go bad if it starts to look oily, smell oily or start to have a rancid odor. It may also be infested with rice weevils that would cause the whole container of rice to become inedible.

If you are looking to store your rice for an extended time, there are some guidelines you should follow to keep it in good condition. You can keep your rice fresh for over 30 years when it is placed in a sealed Mylar bag.

For short-term storage, the original package should have an expiration date and will help you plan. Brown rice has a shorter shelf life than white and typically lasts much less time in your pantry.

However, if you store your rice properly in an airtight container in the pantry or freezer, it will last for years. This allows you to buy rice in bulk and properly store the right amount for each person in your household.