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Key Takeaways
- Not all vegan food is gluten-free
- It is possible to follow both a vegan and gluten-free diet
- There are various distinctions between vegan and gluten-free diet
- Vegans do not consume animal products, including their by-products
- Most individuals who follow a gluten-free diet is due to medical reasons
Vegan foods have become a popular lifestyle choice among many people due to the benefits that they carry. But is vegan gluten-free?
Even though most vegan foods are gluten-free, vegan is not a gluten-free diet. This is because gluten-free individuals will avoid consuming any plant food that may contain gluten, which differs from a vegan diet. A vegan individual can eat plant-based foods or even refrain from doing so.
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About The Vegan Diet
The two majorly known special diets are the gluten-free diet and veganism, and they contain specific foods that one can eat. However, although gluten-free and veganism seem similar, they are not. They do have a number of differences.
Therefore, if you are new to a special diet or wish to focus on it, you should research the kind of diet you want to join. This is because each diet will be based on certain objectives and principles, and will serve a specific purpose.
It is very important that you choose a diet which will fit your personality, and a diet which will be mindful of short term and long term health.
Different diets have different preferences and requirements, so sometimes it is challenging to keep up if you are not committed to the process. Some diets can be very demanding, and if you are to follow them, you have to show dedication.
Having stated that, there are a number of medical conditions which are brought about by reaction to gluten. These include celiac disease, non celiac gluten sensitivity, and gluten intolerance.
If you have celiac disease, you should eat gluten free products and gluten free foods, gluten free bread for instance. The best products for people with gluten sensitivity are products which are naturally gluten free. Be sure to follow the gluten free vegan cookbooks.
Is Vegan Gluten-free?
If you live with celiac disease, then you must be very careful about the foods that you consume. You should make a deliberate effort to be on a gluten free diet. So, by becoming vegan, is it a vegan gluten free vegan diet? Are vegan foods gluten free?
Typically, vegan and gluten-free are different because veganism entails individuals abstaining from consuming any animal product, including their by-products such as honey, milk, and wool, among other things.
Additionally, being a vegan is mostly an option where people choose not to consume any animal product and make it a habit of only eating plants.
When it comes to a gluten-free diet, it is followed by people who cannot ingest gluten and have no choice but to eat gluten-free foods.
Vegan Vs. Gluten-Free: What’s The Difference?
Level of Restriction
Being vegan and gluten-free will differ due to the level of restriction. This means that one of the diets requires you to choose whether to follow or not, while the other is fully restricting you due to medical care.
For instance, if you are vegan, you are restricted to eating animal products and their by-products. But this does not mean you have no choice but to leave the diet; you can do so because it is entirely your choice.
Therefore, the restriction level will depend on your choice of whether to be or not to be a vegan.
When it comes to being gluten-free, the level of restriction is high because most individuals who follow a gluten-free diet have medical reasons. For instance, individuals with celiac disease cannot consume gluten-free food because gluten is indigestible in their body system.
Additionally, gluten may trigger an immunological reaction that hinders the intestines from absorbing nutrients properly. Therefore, the level of restriction on gluten-free is higher than being a vegan.
The purpose of becoming a vegan differs from the kind of vegan you wish to be. For instance, a strict vegan does not consume any animal product or their by-products but will wear the animal products.
The ethical vegan holds the view that people should not consume animal products because there is no legal claim that they should be consumed.
Additionally, environmentalists choose not to consume animal products because they feel that commercial farming is illegal.
Therefore, the purpose of becoming a vegan is brought by the different beliefs about animals and their products.
The main purpose for individuals to follow a gluten-free diet is due to gluten problems. Therefore, a gluten-free diet is not connected to any beliefs; instead, it is linked to conditions that will require you not to consume any food containing gluten.
Type Of Food Product
Typically, vegans do not consume animal products and their by-products. They only consume plant food regardless of whether it contains gluten or not.
Individuals following a gluten-free diet can eat animal or plant products as long as they are certified or trusted to be gluten-free.
Therefore, the type of food also differs in being a vegan and following a gluten-free diet.
Can You Follow Both A Vegan And Gluten-Free Diet?
It is possible to be a vegan and still follow a gluten-free diet, but it is more complex to do so simultaneously. Typically, both diets will require you to know how to check ingredients.
In veganism, it may be difficult to check animal product ingredients because the products may have different names. Fortunately, there are a lot of meals that are both vegan and gluten-free.
Additionally, if you choose vegetables and fruits as your main meals, you will be fine following vegan and gluten-free diets because most fruits and vegetables are gluten-free.
If you are committed to being a vegan, the gluten-free diet will be easy if you carefully read the label to check for any gluten information before consuming any food products. For example, if you take soy sauce, take the one which is gluten free.
Through this, you will be able to manage gluten problems such as celiac disease, non celiac gluten sensitivity, and gluten intolerance.