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‍Eggs are an essential staple and without them, thousands of recipes would come to a grinding halt. Here’s why egg powder may be the better choice for baking.

The reason eggs are so vital is their versatility. Eat them by themselves (cooked or fried, of course), or mix them in a recipe like pancakes or waffles. Eggs are an excellent source of proteins, with nutritional value and vitamins galore. But what happens if you don’t have access to the standard carton of eggs? What if a disaster hits, and you can’t get to the stores, or another pandemic occurs and the store shelves empty? If you have prepared a pantry with powdered eggs, you might just have stocked the best choice for baking and survival because, in many ways, they are a better choice than the real thing.

Egg powder can be an excellent substitute for fresh eggs. They are efficiently rehydrated and can be mixed into the dry ingredients or used in tandem with fresh eggs to fortify the protein level. The nutritional value is equal to the real thing while also eliminating harmful bacteria eggs can have.

While storing powdered eggs for long-term emergencies makes sense, it is not the only reason to have them in your food stash. An excellent idea is to make powdered staples, like eggs, milk, or other items, a regular part of your current meal plan. Introducing powdered eggs during your standard prep can help acclimate your family for the day when you might be forced to rely on the powder for the primary source of eggs. In addition, it allows you as the preparer to become proficient at rehydrating and cooking with powdered mixes.

This article will discuss the advantages of using powdered eggs for baking. If you have never used them before, perhaps we can convince you to give them a try.

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‍How Are Powdered Eggs Made?

There are two distinct methods for making powedered eggs. Dehydration is when the food item is pastuerized by exposing it to heat and air, drying the food out. The hardened substance is then processed in a grinder forming a fine powder about the consistency of flour or powdered milk.

Eggs can also be made into a powder by the process of freeze-drying. Liquid eggs are exposed to intense cold in a large unit. As the freezing takes place, it forms ice crystals which then are converted to vapor by being exposed to a vacuum. The remaining substance is then ground into powder and packaged. The cost for freeze-drying is more expensive and time-consuming than the process of dehydration as most preppers spend nearly $3000 for an effective freeze-drying unit. For examples of freeze-drying machines see the website.

Most powdered eggs are made through a dehydration unit. Many preppers use these simple units to dry various foods in their kitchens. The typical dehydrator can be purchased for around $100, which makes it a viable resource for families who are starting or maintaining an emergency food supply. For a listing of various food dehydrators, see the Amazon website for prices and further information.

Yes, you can make your own powdered milk without purchasing a food dehydrator (it isn’t as easy, but it can be done). For instructions on making powdered eggs, see the website on

Commercial egg powder manufacturing began in the 1980s and is subjected to a dry spraying process. The eggs are pasteurized and then sprayed into large vats, where the water is evaporated, forming a solid. The solid is then ground into a more delicate powder and packaged into a sealed container for retail distribution.

The demand for commercial powders has increased significantly over the years. Now, many organizations, from disaster relief organizations, non-profit charities, and even the military, use this form of eggs constantly. Since egg powder can be packaged in bulk, most prepper families have discovered the viability of adding them to their emergency food supply. As the world continues to become chaotic, you can expect the use of powdered foodstuffs to grow.

Which Process is Better - Freeze-Dried vs Dehydrated?

Dehydration is less expensive to produce and purchase vs. freeze-dried foods. However, freeze drying removes more moisture from the food item, and retains more nutritional value than drying. Both options can be rehydrated easily, and as for which tastes better, most preppers prefer the consistency and texture of freeze-dried foods.

The storage of any dry goods is critically important to maximizing shelf-life. Whatever area you choose for your pantry area should be dry and free of moisture, clean and temperature controlled, and away from direct sunlight. Airtight containers and oxygen absorbers should be used to kill insect larvae that may have gotten into the powder during processing.

Why are Powdered Eggs the Better Choice for Baking?

For various reasons, powdered eggs might be a better option for users.

Powdered Eggs Have a Great Shelf Life

The longevity of the powdered eggs is about 5 - 10 years, making them a champ compared to the real thing. The powder is stored in air-tight containers, which can extend the shelf life. In addition, no refrigeration is needed for storage as you would need to find if using regular eggs.

There are many ways of storing powdered eggs in emergency food pantries, Most commercially processed dried food products offer different size containers; from sealed mylar bags, #10 cans, glass containers or even sealed plastic tubs. For an example of the products offered, see Oxygen absorbers should be used in conjunction with storage containers to reduce insect infestation and prolong shelf life.

Powdered Eggs are Easier to Transport

Packages of powdered eggs are favorite items for outdoor enthusiasts hiking in extreme conditions. Their versatility allows the packages to be carried and used as needed.

Considering that rehydration just takes a couple of tablespoons of water makes them a great source of daily protein.

Many companies offer smaller portion control mylar bags of powdered products that are easily carried in a backpack from place to place.

Powdered Eggs Prevent Illness

If you have ever cracked a real egg, only to see bits and pieces of shell mixed into the mixture, you realize that there is always the potential for disease or bacteria to find its way into your food. Since powdered eggs are already pasteurized and prepared, you don’t have to worry about external contaminants getting mixed into food. There is no worry about expiration dates in the use of powdered eggs unless they are about 5 years old.

Powdered Eggs Can Be Easily Mixed in With Dry Ingredients

One of the advantages of powdered eggs is that they can be added to dry mixes for use rather than having to prepare a bowl of wet items and one of dry goods. When baked, the rehydration of the eggs forms in response to water and makes for the perfect batter for pancakes, waffles,, and other baked goods.

With powdered eggs, you do have to be careful in using the product for the purpose it is intended for. For example, scrambled egg powder cannot be used in a recipe calling for whole eggs. The end result is not worth the trouble, believe me.

Powdered Eggs are Cheaper to Use than the Real Thing

Since powdered eggs are often packaged and sold in bulk, many restaurants and organizations find that using the dry compound is a much more economically viable solution. They do not have to spend energy to keep eggs refrigerated which helps reduce utility costs. This also makes powdered eggs the perfect substance to use in disaster situations where there is no power or electricity.  When non-profits are responsible for feeding thousands of refugees or displaced families, then it is easy to transport this excellent source of protein to whole populations in need.